Luke 8:16-18 (NIV)
16 "No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
18 Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him."
What do you think of when you read the “nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be…brought out in the open” part of this passage?
My mind jumps to a Chick Tract that made the rounds back in the seventies. In that track, Judgment Day is pictured. People are standing in the presence of God, undone in the blazing beacon of His holiness. Each person is forced to watch all the despicable acts of their life as they unfold on a HUGE movie screen that is floating in space. No deleted scenes. It’s all out there. As you can imagine, it’s quite an embarrassing moment for everyone involved, accept for God, who seems to relish making the people squirm.
Since those days, I have always associated this passage with secret sins. In many moments of secret shame over the years, I’ve shuddered as I considered the idea of my sin being broadcast in 1080 on the big screen for all to see. It’s amazing how that little track so firmly captured my boyhood imagination and afterwards, my interpretation of this passage.
This morning, a new light broke in as I listened to these words.
Surely light drives back darkness. On Judgment Day, darkness and secret sin will be exposed and eliminated. But, the ultimate goal of God’s light is illumination. To look at the release of that illumination and equate it with the revealing of secret sins is myopic, at best. In a moment, as I listened to these words again, I could see that the horizon expanding in front of me. The illumination so much broader and wider than I imagined.
Jesus “always has the best information on everything and certainly on the things that matter most in human life.” (Dallas Willard)
Right now, I’m facing a situation where there is gridlock. It involves someone I love more than words can say. I’m concerned for a pattern that is developing in their life that I know will lead to so much pain, stress, and frustration. I’ve said all I know to say. Many times. It hasn’t seemed to help.
I bet you’ve got a situation like that. Let me remind both of us…
Jesus “always has the best information on everything and certainly on the things that matter most in human life.”
I keep praying, “Show me the way.”
This morning I am reminded HE DOES, INDEED, KNOW THE WAY. “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed.” Can you believe that? How great is that?
Limiting the illumination Jesus speaks of in this passage to my secret sins was like holding a teaspoon of the ocean and thinking, “I’ve got it all here.” The lamp Jesus is lifting over humanity is one that will bring knowledge to every area of life and every domain of society. One day, all mysteries will be made known in Him. The longing, the itch, the riddle, and the search will all be fulfilled in Jesus. How amazing is that? How exciting is that?
The light is dawning so we can see everything clearly.
Let these words from the Divine Conspiracy broaden your horizon.
At the literally mundane level, Jesus knew how to transform the molecular structure of water to make it wine. That knowledge also allowed Him to take a few pieces of bread and some little fish and feed thousands of people. He could create matter from the energy He knew how to access from the heavens right where He was. He knew how to transform the tissues of a human body from sickness to health, and from death to life. He knew how to suspend gravity, interrupt weather patterns, eliminate unfruitful trees without saw or axe.
He only needed a word. Surely He must be amused at what Nobel Prizes are awarded for today.
In the ethical domain He had an understanding of life that has influenced world thought more than any other. Death was not something imposed on Him by others. He explained to His followers in a moment of crisis, He could at any time call for 72,000 angels to do whatever He wanted. A mid sized angel or two would surely have been enough to take care of those who thought they were capturing and killing Him. He plainly said, Nobody takes my life. I lay it down by choice. I am in a position to lay it down and I am in a position to resume it. My Father and I have worked all this out. All these things show Jesus’ cognitive and practical mastery of every phase of reality— physical, moral, spiritual—He is Master only because He is maestro. Jesus is Lord can mean little in practice for anyone who has to hesitate before saying Jesus is smart. He is not just nice. He is brilliant. He is the smartest man who ever lived. He is now supervising the entire course of world history while simultaneously preparing the rest of the universe for our future role in it. He always has the best information on everything and certainly on the things that matter most in human life. Dallas Willard, Divine Conspiracy
I wonder how many other passages I’ve read and yet, not read?
Many an object is not seen although it falls in the range of the visual eye. Henry David Thoreau