The One Prayer campaign for 2010 has just come to a close, but the most lasting portion of campaign will live on for years to come. Since the summer of 2008, EnterMission has had the privilege of leading the charge on global expression of One Prayer. Over 2000 churches shared a dream of seeing a movement of local churches explode in four limited access countries: China, Sudan, Cambodia, and India.
The culmination of the work after two short years is nothing less than remarkable…
Church Planters Trained: 900
Small Group Bible Study Participants: 128,755
Baptisms: 20,560
Churches Planted: 2,260
Technically, we still have six months to go on this current cycle, which means we’ll train more church planters and plant more churches. The results are still breathtaking and down right miraculous! Now, long after the One Prayer campaign is “over,” more than 2,000 functioning bodies of Christ-followers in countries that are on the last frontier of the Kingdom of God, with an army of indigenously trained pastors able to plant additional churches.
I hope this gives you great hope for the future in what is possible as the People of God come together with a Kingdom agenda.