What kind of questions are you asking?
For years, many of the questions have seemed to orient around “product” questions. Church leaders scrambled to find the latest and greatest product that was working for someone somewhere and then figure out how we could “plug and play” that product in our environment…as quickly as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-product. By all means, there’s no need to recreate the wheel. However, in the rush to find the product and plug it in, too often we’ve been shortcutting something this absolutely critical to becoming the people of God.
More and more I hear a different category of question being asked by church leaders. I’m excited about it. This question is a dangerous question, one that could lead to revolutionary change. The question is usually framed something like this, “Instead of just showing us the ‘finished product,’ let us seek the work in progress. What is the process?”
We focus is moving from product to process.
More and more leaders have given up on standardized solutions, realizing that emedded into the mission of the church is the necessity of contextualization. No longer are we looking for a standardized model we can simple replicate. The truth is a unique model must be developed and contextualized for every setting. As we begin to dream about unleashing missional movements together, the most important thing to share is not ultimately “the model” we’ve developed, but the process of how we got there.
If it’s a good process, it will continue to recreate our model.
It’s this thinking that is fueling a new approach to the AND conference this fall. In 2011, we’re going to share the process—what we’ve done over the past year. How does a team bend the AND – missional and attractional – around the facility, systems, staffing, philosophy and programs they’ve built over the past 25 years? We’re going to go there on September 22-23. And, here’s how.
- Choose your own adventure. The schedule will be customizable to your own interests, needs, and questions.
- Content-rich learning environment. We’re only offering a couple keynotes, so we can offer a load of specific and practical electives for you to choose from…over 70 are scheduled already with more to come.
- The elective will come in all shapes and sizes: lectures, practical workshops, leader panels, peer discussion, and amazing keynote sessions.
- Experience an amazing mix of thought-leaders, visionaries, and practitioners. The line- up includes Alan Hirsh, Mike Breen, Dave Ferguson, Hugh Halter, and the entire Granger Team.
We can’t wait to engage the process with you. Let me know if you’re coming, I’d love to meet you in person.
Get all the details and register while the early bird rate still lasts.